Job Search Resources
Designed to help you map out your career, secure more interviews, and land high paying job offers from companies you admire
The Science Behind a $560k Job Offer
I only know of one way to truly land a $200k to $500k+ job offer (in tech), working for a company that you admire, doing work that you enjoy, while getting paid your worth. In this edition, I'm breaking down the entire process + adding resources! The system I'm going...
What I learned after my family lost everything
Today at a Glance: Personal Story: The Power of Perspective (What I learned after my family lost everything) A Powerful Reframe A Taoist Proverb Story: The Power of Perspective (What I learned after my family lost everything) 3 years ago, my family lost everything....
Moving Through Interviews With Ease
3 of my favorite quotes: The reason why most people stay in a perpetual state of suffering is because they are focusing on what they don't have. When we focus on what we don't have, we miss what is there. Trade your expectations for appreciation and watch how the...
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