Job Search Resources

Designed to help you map out your career, secure more interviews, and land high paying job offers from companies you admire

3 Secrets to Landing a $500k+ Offer

3 Lessons Learned After Landing a $500k Job Offer:We had someone who recently landed a $500k job offer in our program and he shared 3 important lessons that I believe would benefit you, too.On our very first discovery call, I remember him telling me: "I don't want...

The Smarter Way to Land $200k+ Job Offers

There's a wrong way of trying to land $200k - $500k+ job offers... and ...Then there's a smarter way. Let's start with the wrong way first. It usually starts with getting laid off. Then fear kicks in. So...     - You put little-to-no thought into what you want next   ...

What would you do here?

Most people would think she's crazy to look for a new job, when she has "a good job" on paper. She's been w/ her company for 10 years She's received several promotions Clearly they value her there She's paid relatively well She has good benefits So, why leave? Because...

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