3 Lessons Learned After Landing a $500k Job Offer:
We had someone who recently landed a $500k job offer in our program and he shared 3 important lessons that I believe would benefit you, too.
On our very first discovery call, I remember him telling me: “I don’t want tips or tricks. Just tell me the exact system to follow and I’ll do it.”
I had never had someone tell me that before and I replied by saying, ”that’s awfully trusting of you.”
But his response was pretty bad-ass: “Gaurav, I didn’t get to where I am following tips and tricks. I know better.”
That got me thinking: I’ve hired many coaches myself. And each one (that was worth their pretty penny) never once used the words “tips and tricks.” Each one always spent their time teaching me frameworks, systems, and processes.
This got me thinking about the benefits of systems vs. tips & tricks.
Lesson #1: Always Systems. Never Tips & Tricks.
Systems always trump “tips & tricks”.

At least 3 to 5 times a week I get asked, “Can you share some tips and tricks for my upcoming interview?” or “Can you share some quick hacks on how to write a resume?”
I don’t blame them for asking me this. I just think it’s a shame that they think that landing life-changing offers can occur from some tips & tricks.
Social media (especially platforms like TikTok, and even LinkedIn now) are riddled with quick/short videos like ‘3 ways you land your dream job’ or ‘5 ways you can make a million dollars working 3 hours a day’ type videos.
It’s conditioned you to think there is always a super-fast, super-easy way to accomplish what people spent years mastering. Sadly, it encourages you to be lazy in your thought-process and approach.
Spoiler alert: Tips & Tricks do not work when you’re trying to accomplish something meaningful.
Here’s why:
- The information is usually scattered
- The information only tells you the ‘what’ vs. the ‘how’ or the ‘why’
- The how is the hardest part, and they usually don’t tell you what good looks like
- Therefore you are relying on a lot of hope or luck when following tips & tricks
- It’s like trying to put together a 1000 piece puzzle w/o having the box cover
It’s not surprising that those same people who ask me for tips & tricks, end up messaging me 9 months to 1.5 years later saying that they are still on the market.
Systems on the other hand:
- Are proven
- Bring predictable results
- Show you the full picture
Therefore, making it easier to know what to do and how to do it (from start to finish).

This is the little secret that people who are landing $500k+ offers know: If you want to achieve your goals faster, hire someone who has helped others do the same (many times over).
Successful people prefer to not leave their career up to luck. They prefer to avoid wasting years and $$ so instead, they hire someone to show them:
- What to do
- How to do it
- What ‘good’ looks like
Some of the most successful people had coaches guiding them:
- It’s why Michael Jordan hired Tim Grover.
- It’s why Bill Gates had Bill Campbell.
- It’s why Oprah had Martha Beck.
- and the list goes on…
Job seekers are no exception.
If they wanted to, they could figure it out on their own….eventually. It’s just that they understand that they are not professional job-seekers, and rather than spend an uncertain amount of time and $$ trying to figure it out, they’d rather hire someone to help them get their results faster.
They also know that the longer they spend trying to figure it out, the faster the jobs they want will be awarded to those who know what to do.
Lesson #2: Slow is Actually the New Fast:
Do you know that no one has ever come to me and said, “Gaurav, I want to hire you because my career is absolutely awesome!” 😁
My point is, 99% of the time, the reason someone hires us to help them land a $200k – $500k+ job offer is because of some sort of negative event that just transpired in their life.
- They recently got laid off
- They’ve been out of work for a really long time
- They’ve been passed up for countless promotions
- They know that they are not being utilized to their full potential
- They have been working in a toxic environment (or for a toxic boss), etc.
And they are trying to get as far away from that negative situation as quickly as possible.
As a result, they rush into everything.
- Slap together a resume
- Frantically apply to hundred of jobs
- Do not prepare properly for interviews, thus bombing them
- Rinse and repeat
This is usually when desperation, fear, and uncertainty kick in and cause someone to do something that does not serve them AT ALL (like taking a job that is lower-paying, w/ a lower-title, at a company they don’t even like), and then they usually set themselves back for years to follow.
Our client actually did the SAME exact thing at first, but quickly realized that putting together a plan first — a plan that aligned with his values and career goals, would allow him to go farther a lot faster.
Just like good ol’ Ben Franklin once said:

When you combine a plan with a system, your job search can go faster than you think.
See what I mean: His job search took less than 60 days as a result of working with us.

FYI: The tool/system we use to help our clients plan their job search is The Career Audit (you can find it here)
Lesson #3: Outreach is still the Best Way to Land a $200k-$500k+ Job Offer
Make no mistake, the higher up you go, the less applying to jobs will work. Applying to senior-level positions yields a ~2% conversion rate.
Proactive outreach, in contrast yields anywhere between a 20% – 43% conversion rate (when done correctly).
Simply put:
- Apply to 100 jobs = Maybe get 2 interviews
- Reach out to 100 people = Start 20 to 43 conversations
Can you imagine how much easier (+ faster) your job search would be if you were able to spark up a conversation with a person of influence (i.e., Hiring Manager, Executive, Recruiter, etc.) through either a cold or warm outreach?
This is what he had to say about Outreach:

I can keep going…but you get the point.
Btw — if you want to learn more about the Outreach Process that our clients use, check out this resource.
If your goal is to land a $200k – $500k+ job offer in less than 90 days (on avg) without spending countless hours applying to jobs:
- Use a proven system that brings predictable results vs. tips & tricks – this way you don’t leave your career up to “luck”
- Slow is the new fast – rather than jumping into your job search, take some time to map out your job search first (using the Career Audit framework)
- Outreach is still the fastest way to land interviews + job offers. Don’t sleep on this.
A Quote I Can’t Stop Thinking About:
Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways we can help:
1. CareerSprout Coaching Our coaching is designed to help tech professionals land $200k to $500k+ job offers that align with their values and life goals.
2. Free Coaching Calls Join us live on LinkedIn every Wednesday at 10am PT / 1pm ET to ask questions live and get actionable insights to land a job in today's market and build a meaningful career.
3. Weekly Newsletter Get resources with actionable insights delivered to your inbox each week to help you navigate personal and professional growth in today's world.
4. Partner with CareerSprout Want Gaurav or Katie to speak at your next event or host a virtual workshop? We'll create a workshop with actionable advice and strategies for job seekers in your community.