3 Resources to Get You Prepared for Interviews:
Resource #1: How to Prepare for $200-$500k+ Interviews (replay)
In this replay, Katie & I cover:
– How to prepare effective STAR stories
– How to uncover the interviewer’s pain points
– How to position yourself as the solution to their pain points
In this replay, Katie & I cover:
– How to start the interview
– Questions you can expect during the middle of the interview
– How to conclude an interview
– How to build rapport w/ the Hiring Manager
In this replay I cover:
– Every single framework that will increase your odds of landing an offer
– Much of this one goes into the psychology of interviewing
My recommendation:
I understand that this can be a lot. I do not expect you to retain the information after watching these just once.
Each resource attacks a different angle of interviewing, so my recommendation would be to watch them once entirely to help understand what to do theoretically, and then revisit the one that you need most before each interview. Repetition is key here
Harsh Truth that I Shared with a Client (that helped him land a $500k+ offer):
Last week we had a client in our program land a $500k+ job offer.
Actually last week was huge, we had 6 clients land $300-$500k+ offers!

I want to share what he had to overcome to get this offer.
Something that you likely have to overcome as well.
Before this client joined our program, he had been searching for over 15 months.
The rejection he experienced is something I’m sure you are familiar with:
– Applied to a ton of jobs and hardly heard back
– Got plenty of automated ‘Thanks but no thanks’ emails
– Landed some interviews that did not play out in his favor
– Never got any concrete feedback on why he was passed up
– Was ghosted plenty…. PLENTY is an understatement here
So when he finally joined our program, he was dealing with a lot of resentment and carried an unhealthy cynical mindset.
I remember when we would prep for interviews he would say to me, “what’s the point, this next interview is probably going to end up like all of the other ones.”
Now I can certainly understand why he felt that way. But there came a point, where I finally had to tell him something he needed to hear. I told him:
“Cynics get to be right.
But optimists get to be successful [and happy]”
The job search can beat you up.. if you let it. I know this all too well myself from when I was laid-off and had to deal with everything he dealt with.
The problem is, however, that regardless of how much you prep… HECK… you can have the most perfect answer for every question that’s asked to you in an interview.
If you show up to an interview with a feeling/energy/mindset of anger, resentment, and cynicism — then all the right answers in the world won’t be enough to land an offer.
Because that energy transfers. People can feel it.
Optimism is key to landing an offer that you want and deserve.
Now I’m not suggesting that you all of a sudden fake it, or become a delusional optimist, either.
BUT there are proven techniques you can implement right away (backed by science) to change your mindset and energy before interviews, to help you show up as your best self.
Here’s what we regularly had him practice to go from cynic to optimist:
Taking a stroll down memory lane (everyday, but especially before interviews):
- This client has held C-level positions in the past
- He’s achieved a lot of success in the past
- He’s overcome a lot in his past
- He just needed to remind himself of that
- The more that he kept revisiting his past triumphs, the more empowered he became (and the less he focused on recent “losses”)
- It sounds silly (or simplistic), but sometimes, the more that you remind yourself of how far you’ve come — the more evidence you give to yourself and your nervous system that you can do it again
- He realized that he was getting in his own way and slowly realized that there was absolutely NO reason (outside of his mindset) that he can’t be in another prestigious position again
Nervous System Regulation
- We suggested that on the day of his interviews, he not prep (aka cram STAR stories)
- And instead, do something that gets his mind to be calm vs. rushed and anxious
- He started going for runs, or watching his favorite comedy shows, or just hanging out w/ his family
- THIS made a world of a difference, he was noticeably calmer before interviews
- When the mind and body are calm, the anxiety goes down
- Couple that with ‘taking a stroll down memory lane’, and he was showing up to interviews a lot more confident in his abilities
Lastly – Appreciation
- I reminded him that when you trade expectations for appreciation, you can put yourself in an immediate state of gratitude
- He realized that there is more to life than a job offer
- Letting go of the need to land an offer allowed him to show up more present and grateful
Now keep in mind, none of this was an overnight / pain-killer type of instant shift. He practiced these techniques daily and slowly started to rewire his brain and nervous-system; which ultimately changed his mindset gradually.
THIS is how he went from a cynic to an optimist.
THIS is how he landed the $500k+ offer. Yes, there was also all of the tactical stuff, but none of that would have mattered unless he changed his mindset first.
If you feel the way he did, then I would highly encourage you to try these out.
Practice them for 10 to 15 mins a day and notice the difference it makes for the better.
A Special Gift For You:
Katie and I put together this special guide:
How to Pass Recruiter Screens w/ a 98.6% Success Rate
In it, we cover:
- 3 reasons why this call is so Important
- How to leave a positive-lasting impression
- 10 questions to ask a recruiter to help you prepare for subsequent rounds
- 5 questions they will ask you + response templates for those questions
- 2 powerful hacks to turn the recruiter into your ally
Our clients have had a 98.6% success rate passing Recruiter Screens using the methods in this guide and we hope that it serves you!
You can download it for free here.
I hope these resources help you turn interviews into job offers … but most importantly, I hope that it helps you land an offer that you want, doing something you consider meaningful, at a company that you admire, while also setting you up for continued success.
I am always rooting for you more than you freaking know!
Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways we can help:
1. CareerSprout Coaching Our coaching is designed to help tech professionals land $200k to $500k+ job offers that align with their values and life goals.
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